The Shrine for the Sacred Dreamer is a place to dream tomorrow together and to tell the re-creation myth that wants to emerge in these times as based on the shared dream.
To work with the material of the shared dream is to invite radical imagination to come to the forefront of finding our way, together, through these times.
The World Quilt invites us to live our way into a new vision for healing humanity as based on awakening the shared dream.
What exactly is the Shrine of the Sacred Dreamer?
A GIANT chair fort (made of the World Dreaming Quilt* and giant chairs) - like the type of fort children make from chairs and quilts but really BIG.
*What is the World Dreaming Quilt?
The World Dreaming Quilt is a giant quilt that is sewn together from a collection of quilts from all over the world. Each quilt is formed in community and is informed by awakening the shared dream. (see Awakening the Shared Dream for details)
How big is it?
30’ tall, 50’ wide, 100’ long and growing! The size of the quilt will keep growing as this project advances. It will continue to gather the dreams, stories and visual representation of these dreams and stories as the community tells it through each piece of the quilt. The chairs that hold the quilt up and create the dreaming cavern beneath are 30’ tall.
Why a Giant Chair Fort?
The scale and presentation of the shrine inspires awe and wonder for dreamers of all sizes to evoke a sense of being childlike again and therefore opens dreamers who visit it to the world of infinite possibility. The quilt will be held up by 4 chairs that will be altars to the 4 directions to honor the sacred connection to our ancestors, the Earth and all Her inhabitants.
What’s it for?
The Shrine of the Sacred Dreamer is created to heal through inviting play, imagination and dream time. It is a space for performance art, story telling, giant dance parties, and joy-inducing gatherings of any kind that inspire us to live our way into healing humanity and our relationships to the Natural world. The performance pieces and stories that take place within are inspired by dreams, emerging re-creation myths, archetypes and magical storytelling.
The Inspiration:
The child brings with them on their journey the memory of what it is to be dream manifest and, in turn, how to manifest dreams. Children still know that reality is malleable, they know how to make form rise from the unifying world of our subconscious.
Where some just see a chair as a place to sit, the child's mind sees potential to climb back into the infinite by building castles, forts, hiding places for our heart's secrets, caverns to birth new stories. When we carve out spaces and build into the realm of the imaginal, we create potential for the dreamer to birth its many births in this lifetime - to re-create through playtime, dream time, re-creation.
When we bring vision into form, when we give honor to the non-linear, when we allow for imagination to become radical and to move freely, worlds open up. Unseen allies step forward. Ancestors, Nature Spirits, and all the many voices and connections waiting to be given their chance to be witnesses and woven back into the tapestry of existence.
And in our weaving, we remember the threads of our individual existence as being an integral part of the tapestry. We remember our collectivity. We remember the shared dream. We awaken to this. And too we remember our hearts, and we remember each other, and we remember our future and the love we have for this planet we call home, and we remember to continue to mend what we’ve mistreated or forgotten and also to continue to create anew. We create anew, we re-create in the spirit of shared vision. We find our way forward, we find ourselves within the Shrine of the Sacred Dreamer.